Wednesday, August 3, 2011

no one mourns the wicked

Well friend, I'm back. I'll start off with break writing #2:

I should begin by telling where I got the idea to write on break - on napkins, specifically. I had heard that J K Rowling was so poor that when she began the first Harry Potter book, she wrote parts of it on napkins in cafes - instead of on traditional paper. I'd just began working at the time, and break mystified me. After the hectic time leading up to breaks, 30 minutes seemed ever so long. So, I decided to be productive instead. I worked on Melody's story - conception while I worked and writing on break.

It was an effective system and I got much accomplished - a lot of dreaming of Melody's fantasy world. I had the climax planned and written. Much of the foundation laid. I still have a lot of the details to plan out - I wan the world to be rich and inviting. I have been dreaming of it for six years. There are still a lot more years left to plan - I want it to be the best.

It'll take a while for me to get used to sub side - so it might be a bit before I can plan and think while I work. There napkin entries might not be substantial until that time. Only a few more minutes. P-list just got online, so I'll spend the rest of my time with him.

P-list is my name for a guy that is special to me. I'll be referring to him often, I hope. I've been dating him. It's been good... I'm happy.

Something else has been going on - I'm not sure if it's even worth my time writing out. I'll think about it and respond more later.

Well, my friend - I should go make dinner for myself and P-list.

Sleep well, my friend. I hope you're well.