Friday, July 29, 2011

i know where i've been

Hello, friend. Stopping back in - I'm working on a system where I'll be able to write more often here, we'll see how it works out. Basically, I'll be writing a lot during my breaks at work. From my first break, my plans for writing:

I can't believe it's been 4 years - I'm really excited to have breaks again. I do some of my best work there. Thinking, I guess. I want to work hard on Melody's untitled story and Kim Hersey's 'Entry.' It would be nice to make an entry per break. Break's over now - more later.

Melody's story is a trilogy that I've been working on for the last six years - on and off. It's a fantasy story that I've been wanting to tell. Kim's story is an action/sci-fi novel that I've been working on. I'm really looking forward to working on these projects again.

Oh, yes - I found more work. At a local pizza place here. Still working on the farm - the monies from both will be useful in the coming months. More importantly, I've been dating someone for the past few months - that's been amazing and fulfilling in ways I never dreamed possible. More food pictures to come some day.

I'm moving out soon. It's time for me to part ways with my current living situation, it'll be for the best. So many things going on - too many to impart in one entry. I hope that you are well, friend. I'll speak with you again soon.

Sleep well, my friend.

Monday, July 18, 2011

the origin of love

I'm back, friend. Life has been busy and hectic... a lot of changes to tell you about. I'm working hard on my next entry, but I wanted to let you know things were ok here.

Sleep well my friend.