Hello friend.
How are things going with you? Life continues much as it always has here in rural Michigan. I procrastinate more than I should and wind up unmotivated. Somehow events persist around me.
"This is no good," I tell myself. I've got a straight shot of work until after Christmas with no vacation time planned. I can't have burnt out this fast after my vacation in July. It seems to have happened, though. I need to find a way to get what I need done without all of the pressure I seem to put on myself.
For about a week, I'm great. I vacuum the rooms, do the dishes, get laundry done, stay on top of clutter. Then, something hits. I feel under the weather; I work a weird shift; someone wants to get together to talk at the last minute.
This disruption is no one's fault but my own. I still feel slightly powerless by it, though.
Something to work through. I have full control over all of this. It's my life. I decide how to react to all of it. It's up to me to take control.
Have a great afternoon. I hope this finds you well.