Sunday, February 22, 2015

It's What You Do

Good evening, my friend.

Remember when I said about a week ago that I wouldn't be browsing Kickstarter anymore? That worked really well for me until I happened upon one that looked oh, so pretty.

It's looks that get my every time, I swear! I scrolled through the new projects in Kickstarter for fun the other day, feeling accomplished after my most recent project Unspeakable Words was backed successfully. With pride, I looked about at the other board games on the table. One of the thumbnails blew me away as soon as I saw it. Be careful, I said to myself. Pretty art doesn't make a successful project.

But then I looked at some of the project details. Entropy is a card game about different characters who's worlds have collided into a nexus point, and the characters have to find all of the pieces to their home to return there. The first one home is the winner. Simple enough, I thought. Now, to look at the art. It floored me. I spent several minutes just admiring the color schemes and the thematic concepts behind this game.

No, I told myself. Don't back it - you just backed two other pointless projects. Do you enjoy the way this game plays, or do you just want it for the art? Did it matter? That was my second voice - you know the demon on the other shoulder. So what if I hadn't seen a game play video and just wanted the art. The art in itself was valuable enough to own at their asking price. And I would get a cool metal token for backing the project!

That evil devil on the other shoulder. Why am I always listening to him? I told myself I'd at least let a day pass - give me time to rest and think on it. Watching a video on how the game played might also help. But no, I couldn't last four hours and I'd already backed it.

Buyer's remorse? Not yet, at least. It looks like a beautiful game - one I'll definitely sleeve. I'm not worried about getting the cards - the project creators have done a project before and people got their product then. It'll be the months of waiting for it to go into production; finalizing rules and art, sending it to the printer, fulfilling orders, sending it all the way from Australia to my little hamlet in Michigan. Those months I might be remorseful. Who knows though.

Do they make a 12 step program for Kickstarter backing?


  1. If you get too out of control, you might have to do a 21 Day Habit Challenge. All your talk yesterday about kickstarter got me fiending to go back some projects. It's almost as addicting as ebay, but it actually helps someone who's trying to do something.

  2. I'll do the habit challenge with you! I hear you there - I've got the fever. Great point, though - it really does help people do something and get somewhere.

    1. Hm, I don't have anything for the challenge. Maybe I'll do another food challenge, but this time about eating less and healthier. I'll think about it and let you know :)
