Well friend, it's time to pick this up again. The time has come for a new format, and a new way of looking at things.
I decided recently that I needed to start writing and getting my thoughts out. I was very much tempted just to make a new blog and leave this one to sit gathering dust... This would, I think, somehow discount the life I left here for you to read and enjoy.
The new format isn't even entirely worked out, but I figure I should start practicing my writing several times a week, if not an attempt to write daily. I'd like to discuss thing from my day, though not specific enough to violate anyone's privacy nor disclose too much personal information. We'll see as we go along.
This space will be used also as a means to let you know about my projects here online. Sometimes I'll appear in YouTube videos with my great friend Lindsay. She has a daily vlog that I occasionally appear in. We're also working on a series of videos for her other YouTube channel called Drunk Disney Reviews... so far it's been as fun as it sounds like it would be. The first few episodes are recorded, but not uploaded yet. We're also working on a great podcast that I might share here in the future.
Also later on this year, I'll be working on my first attempt for NaNoWriMo which I am uber stoked about. I have a few details worked out, but not enough to start writing tomorrow.
I've also been getting into board games a lot recently and will probably be doing some reviewing and discussion about them. Pictures to come, certainly.
Since reading is also important to me, I'll be attempting to read a whole lot more, I'm gunning for about a book or novella a week. At the end of that read, I'll be writing out my thoughts in a semi review form. Nothing too serious, just expressing the deep need that I've found to communicate and share my thoughts and opinions. Feel free to interact at every point. Comment on posts and tell me what you think of my ramblings.
As always, I'll be sharing the music that's on my mind (currently Propeller Seeds by Imogen Heap).
Oh, and expect pictures of food and coffee. I'm a bit addicted to both.
Feel free to visit my other blogs, one I might still use for fun, one completely dead and gathering internet dust.
Raise Your Ragged Sail
We are Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On
Thank you for staying with me, friend. The two years I've let this lay quiet have been good for me to refocus and find a new purpose, a new meaning. Something to tell you about in the future to be sure.
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