Sorry for the time apart - life has been a bit too interesting to post for a while. I'll start with a few break messages. I think I left #3 in my pants during a wash, so it's gone... as it is, I'll get started with #4
So... I think I may have washed my third break entry - nothing that can be recovered from it. This is me not making that mistake again. Sigh. I'm not sure what to write. I'm working with Shelley tonight - I've never worked with her before. I've done a few shows with her - she's always been in the pit. Well, I'm heading back.
and to #5...
Wow, that's incredible - I just got two tips in a row. Just about $4 between the two, but it's still exciting. A lot of thoughts today - P-list and I looked and ate at a restaurant that's up for foreclosure - only 11 thousand. It was fun to dream for a bit. Him and his dog up in the apartment above the restaurant, P-list and I working together to make people happy.
I doubt that this place would work, but it was really fun to dream. I do a lot of dreaming around P-list. Life has so many possibilities I'd never thought of around him. Then again, just being with him is more than I'd allowed myself to dream about. Break's done.
Wow - that was intense. A party of 50. My hand almost being caught in the panini machine... yes. Now I'm just resting a bit before going back. Relatively short entry tonight. Not much on my mind - more soon.
and finally - #7...
Slow day here at Good Time. I think Sub Side only had about 5 orders in the 2 hours I've been here. I've been with P-list for 3 months as of yesterday - it's been a fantastic ride. I'm so lucky to know him - he's a great guy! I know you'd like him.
A lot has been happening - I'll try to fill in more soon.
Sleep well, my friend.
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