^ Lamb stew. I made it on Friday - it was delicious. I used the last of my Christmas yearling from my boss. I think I had a bit too many potatoes, but oh well. It's so delicious, and leftovers are the best part. This first pic was taken just after everything was added to the meat and broth. Slowly, the ingredients get swallowed up by the stew...
mmm.... stewy goodness
I find myself missing Ohio as my one year anniversary of leaving it draws closer. Tonight while I was eating out with a good friend, something in the air reminded me of all the times when my best friend in Ohio and I went out for dinner - often pizza. I miss him so much. All the others as well - so many times I'll never have again. When I went out with them, it was like a regular evening - a normal happening. Something that happened every week, quarterly, etc. So strange when you think about it - all those things that seem like they would never end. Somehow they phase out and we find new people and new things that never seem to have an ending.
Last night, I went to go see a local high school's production of The Crucible. It has been several years since I have even thought of reading this work. Watching the show was an emotional experience - the acting and delivery wasn't overly moving, but the script pierced down to my soul. Memories of when I did this very production in high school came flooding in... how my high school's Rev. Hale never could pronounce "blasphemy;" how we skipped two pages of dialogue in the courtroom scene and somehow managed to keep the story intact; when I would set the fog for the forest scene in the beginning of act II and then run through it to spread it across the stage. In addition to those nostalgic feelings, the story seemed like a validation of my recent belief that organized religion is doing more harm than good in the world. Finally, the story helped me to realize exactly how much people can hate things they don't understand. It was a horrible feeling and caused me to re-examine a lot of judgments I have made in the past.
I remained out helping with strike, then speaking with Jem for several hours after that. It was good.
Well, I must get going - there are many miles to go before I sleep.
Take care and sleep well.
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